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  1. Canvas Layouts

    For a new course site layout, choose one of the three below for your course site. Fill out a Canvas course site request and the layout you select will be applied to your course site. Remember: the three layouts just provide a basic foundation t...
  2. Ed Discussion Startup & Resources

    Once Ed Discussion has been installed on your Canvas course site, it will be visible in the Canvas left navigation.  Students will not have access to content until you activate it. Activation is quick - follow the steps below.  Ed Discussion...
  3. IDN Home Page Agenda:  On-Campus & Online  6pm - 6:30pm:  Food & Networking Format:  On-Campus & Online  Room: East Wing Zoom Link: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/98800586711?pwd=SU00aCtEMVl0Y08wUnVLVWFudjJkUT09   ...
  4. Tools to Extend Canvas

    Tools:  Discussion - Annotation - Chat - Peer Review - Math, Science, Polling - Course Admin Want to do something in your course but not sure which tool can help? Here are the key features of some commonly used tools that can help enhance the...
  5. Setting Up Exams in Canvas

    Canvas "Quizzes" Use the Canvas “Quizzes” feature to create and administer exams. Canvas "Quizzes" offers many question types and other features, including file uploads.  Check the Online Exam Resources and Guides page for details. Find stud...
  6. Assessments & Feedback

    Formative + Summative Assessments & Feedback:  helps your students build on their work and understand how their work connects with the larger picture of the class 1a) Formative Assessment:  evaluates learning throughout the course (typically lo...
  7. Inclusive Online Teaching Strategies

    Strategy  Steps Community Agreements  CONTEXT & PURPOSE:  Setting classroom expectations & cultivating a brave space for sharing & learning  TOOLS:   Zoom Chat Box WHAT YOU WILL GAIN:  Classroom ...
  8. Accessibility in Canvas

    Canvas Accessibility Checker Using Canvas image options Alt text and decorative images Link text Heading tags Emphasis in text Color contrast Lists- Bullet Points & Numbering Formatting tables PDFs and documents Acces...
  9. Build Modules

    Modules organize course content. Organize content by weeks, units, or a different organizational structure. Each module can contain files, discussions, assignments, quizzes, and other learning materials. Unpublished modules are invisible to st...
  10. Alternatives to Exams

    Goals & Planning Considering changing from a traditional final exam to another format? Start planning from the beginning of the term. Some of these ideas could be added during the term, but for maximum flexibility, include them in your first syll...