Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Cultivating Relationships for Connection & Belonging

SEL: a framework to support students to cultivate meaningful relationships that contribute to their development and a successful learning experience. 

Unpacking the 5 Core Competencies of the SEL Framework: 

1. Self-Awareness: of our emotions and beliefs and how they impact our behavior

Check-Ins (Start of Class) & Check-Outs (End of Class)
Purpose: Connecting & Reflecting Each Class 
  • Check-In About Feelings: How are you feeling now? Why? 
  • Check-Out About Feelings: How do you feel differently now than you did at the beginning of class? 
  • Check-In About Personal Learning Intention: What is a learning goal that you would like to set for yourself this week? 
  • Check-Out About Personal Learning Intention: How did you work towards accomplishing your learning goal this week? What challenges did you encounter? What would you change about your process?

2. Self-Management: of our emotions and behaviors in different contexts 

Mindfulness & Movement Breaks 
Purpose: Grounding & Centering Minds & Bodies
  • Stretch Break: Stand up and stretch your arms up and to each side 
  • Breathing Exercise: Take a deep breath in and out 3 times 
  • Meditation: To ground and center us for our learning today, close your eyes and envision a place where you feel the most relaxed. Think about what you see in this place, sounds you hear, aromas you smell, and how your mind and body feel. Now open your eyes and remember how that place makes you feel and be open and ready to engage in learning with our class today.

3. Responsible Decision-Making: of our emotions and behaviors in different contexts 

Choices Formats to Share Learning Along with a Writing Prompt 
Purpose: Empowering & Developing Autonomy
  • Choices of Formats: Podcast, Video, Song, Storyboard, Blog, Photo Collage 

4. Relationship Skills: for interactions with a diverse range of people

Small Group Discussions & Projects 
Purpose: Collaborating & Learning with and From Peers
  • Breakout Room Roles: 1) Facilitator to Ensure Equity of Voice, 2) Timekeeper to Inform Group About Remaining Time 3) Notetaker/Reporter to Share Back  

5. Social Awareness: of other people through understanding and empathy

Team-Building through Shared Vision & Goals
Purpose: Aligning as a Team & Understanding the Perspective of Others 
  • Collaborating in Teams: How do we want to work together as a team? How would you like to contribute to the team?

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