

News in Tools
ActiveClass Feedback Fruits Gradescope Kialo Poll Everywhere Yellowdig Engage ActiveClass School Year 2023-2024 01/2024 Assigning boards based on groups or sections  Assign discussion boards to different group an...
Tools to Extend Canvas
Tools:  Discussion - Annotation - Chat - Peer Review - Math, Science, Polling - Course Admin Want to do something in your course but not sure which tool can help? Here are the key features of some commonly used tools that can help enhance the...
Compare Discussion Tools
Discussion Tools Comparison Chart For a great description of each discussion tool, visit the demo course site and click on the enroll button. Click on comparison chart to enlarge.  Download the Accessib...
Feedback Fruits at DCE
We've curated tools from the Feedback Fruits suite to help create engaging and meaningful learning experiences with less work for you, from the setup to the grading.  Once an activity is setup, you can be high or low touch as you want. Feedback F...
Feedback Fruits: Configuration
Easily integrate Feedback Fruits into your a Canvas assignment.  Once integrated you can also take advantage of Feedback Fruit's grade pass back to the Canvas grade book. Step 1. Create a Canvas Assignment.  Step 2. Name the assignment...
Feedback Fruits Guides
Peer Review Group Member Evaluations Comprehension Interactive Video Editing a Feedback Fruits Assignment Configurable Grading - Add On Preview Assignment as Student Download Student Analytics Create Templates from ...
About Ed Discussion
Ed Discussion is a threaded Q&A-style tool that is easy to use in your Canvas course site. If Ed Discussion has already been installed on your site, visit our Canvas Tools page links to guides, and tips and tricks. Info & Tour of Ed Discussi...
Ed Discussion Startup & Resources
Once Ed Discussion has been installed on your Canvas course site, it will be visible in the Canvas left navigation.  Students will not have access to content until you activate it. Activation is quick - follow the steps below.  Ed Discussion...
About Yellowdig
Yellowdig is a social learning community-building platform that integrates in your Canvas course site. To enable Yellowdig for your course, visit our Yellowdig Startup guide   for directions. Info & Tour of Yellowdig Feature List ...
Yellowdig Startup
No installation required.  Yellowdig is now always available in your course site.  To begin using it, just enable it in your course navigation. Enable Yellowdig Yellowdig Board Setup Enable Yellowdig  in the Course Navigation Sele...
Yellowdig Resources
Basic How To Guides Advance Features & FAQs Share with your student the Yellowdig How to and Support Guides in the Student Pocket Guide.  Basic How To Guides Posting and Commenting Pinning a Post to Top Search...
About ActiveClass
 While ActiveClass has been retired as of January, 2025, we have other discussion tools that might do the trick. ActiveClass is a social learning community-building discussion tool.  With ActiveAssignments create assignments, m...
ActiveClass Startup & Resources
 While ActiveClass has been retired as of January, 2025, we have other discussion tools that might do the trick. ActiveClass Activation & Setup Activation & Setup Create an ActiveAssignm...
ActiveClass Configuration
 While ActiveClass has been retired as of January, 2025, we have other discussion tools that might do the trick. ActiveClass is a topic-based graded discussions tool that must be configured individually by creating a new external to...
ActiveClass: Viewing & Grading Posts
 While ActiveClass has been retired as of January, 2025, we have other discussion tools that might do the trick. ActiveClass is a topic-based graded discussions tool that auto-aggregates all of an individual students' posts and ...
Feedback Fruits - demo
Feedback Fruits is a suite of peer review, self-assessment, and annotation tools that are easy to use in your Canvas course site.   Watch this 15-minute highlight reel to see how Feedback Fruits operates, in both student and instructor views. Fill...
About Kialo
Kialo is an argument mapping and debate site, specifically designed for classroom use. Its clear, visually compelling format makes it easy to follow the logical structure of a discussion and facilitates thoughtful collaboration. Kialo can be integra...
Kialo Startup & Resources
Kialo Activation Kialo Setup & How To Guides Share with your student the Kialo's How to and Support Guides in the Student Pocket Guide.  Activation  Signup for an account at (do not sign up at Kia...
Harvard DCE Pilot: Gather Study Lounge
Gather Study Lounge Best Practices Guide (Harvard DCE Pilot) Hello! Thank you for piloting the Gather Study Lounge. The Gather Study Lounge is a tool built into your course’s Canvas site that gives your students a space to meet outside of class ...
Poll Everywhere - Web Version
Poll Everywhere allows instructors to run polls at any time for class use. The web version has no built-in grading features and does not require students to log in via their HarvardKey to respond.  Harvard Poll Everywhere Account Creating P...
Gradescope helps streamline collecting and grading paper-based, digital, and code assignments and exams.   Students can scan paper assignments or upload documents and files.  Instructors give detailed assignment feedback via rubrics and gather a...
Perusall is a social annotation tool that allows students and instructors to collaboratively markup PDF documents, digital textbooks and web pages. Info & Tour of Perusall Request Perusall Canvas Integration Info & Tour of Perusall ...
About Hello Harvard
Hello Harvard is a tool DCE built to provide self-service options for teaching staff to use when setting up their Canvas sites. Phase 1 of Hello Harvard, which is now available, provides an app store of DCE vetted and approved tools. Sel...
Comparison of ActiveClass to Other Discussion Tools
While ActiveClass is going away, we have other discussion tools that might do the trick.  This is an opportunity to reimagine how discussions work in your classroom. Canvas Checkpoints (coming soon) and Feedback Fruits On Topic discussion board...