Last Updated: 08/25/2023
in Producers / Videography
Last Updated: 08/23/2023
in Faculty Dev.
1. Share the Context & Purpose of the Reading: Add your personal instructor voice by annotating the reading pages to make the reading process more meaningful. Also, include a list of what readings are required and optional. Examples of...
Last Updated: 08/22/2023
in Faculty Dev. IDN 2022
IDN Home Page Agenda: On-Campus & Online 6pm - 6:30pm: Food & Networking Format: On-Campus & Online Room: East Wing Zoom Link: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/98800586711?pwd=SU00aCtEMVl0Y08wUnVLVWFudjJkUT09 ...
Canvas Accessibility Checker Using Canvas image options Alt text and decorative images Link text Heading tags Emphasis in text Color contrast Lists- Bullet Points & Numbering Formatting tables PDFs and documents Acces...
Feedback Fruits is a suite of peer review, self-assessment, and annotation tools that are easy to use in your Canvas course site. Watch this 15-minute highlight reel to see how Feedback Fruits operates, in both student and instructor views. Fill...
UDL: a framework to make learning accessible for all types of learners through multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement. Unpacking the UDL Framework to Provide Multiple Means of: 1. Engagement: W...
Easily integrate Feedback Fruits into your a Canvas assignment. Once integrated you can also take advantage of Feedback Fruit's grade pass back to the Canvas grade book. Step 1. Create a Canvas Assignment. Step 2. Name the assignment...
Perusall is a social annotation tool that allows students and instructors to collaboratively markup PDF documents, digital textbooks and web pages. Info & Tour of Perusall Request Perusall Canvas Integration Info & Tour of Perusall ...
Simple Syllabus Canvas Modules Canvas Pages Simple Syllabus **Preferred and ONLY public option** Post a link in their syllabus. The video will be available to public during shopping period. Direct teaching staff to FEAA. DCE...
If you have a Canvas course export package from someone else that you want to use in Canvas, or you have previously exported a course , you can import the course as a Canvas course export package. An export package is imported as an IMSCC file. ...