Updated Articles

  1. Proctorio Profile

    About Proctorio Profiles Create a Proctorio Profile About Proctorio Profiles Proctorio Profiles allow you to quickly set your preferred Proctorio exam and behavior settings for all your Proctorio exams or quizzes. Make sure ...
  2. Ed Discussion Startup & Resources

    Once Ed Discussion has been installed on your Canvas course site, it will be visible in the Canvas left navigation.  Students will not have access to content until you activate it. Activation is quick - follow the steps below.  Ed Discussion...
  3. DCE Accessibility Resources

    Accommodations For Students Accessibility Services Office (ASO) - approves and coordinates services for students with disabilities Refer students to the Accessibility Services Office or directions on the web site to request an accommodation Pl...
  4. About Kialo

    Kialo is an argument mapping and debate site, specifically designed for classroom use. Its clear, visually compelling format makes it easy to follow the logical structure of a discussion and facilitates thoughtful collaboration. Kialo can be integra...
  5. PDF Flyer ITI Symposium

  6. Canvas Admin Onboarding

    Adding People to Course Sites DO NOT add anyone   to the course site in an admin role. Direct requests to FEAA or reach out to ITG .  TAs requesting access to course sites should be direct to FEAA . Teaching staff are automatically fed into ...
  7. Calculate Final Grades

    Organize assignments and set assignment weights for final grade calculations. This option assigns a weight to each assignment group, not the assignments themselves.  Important - you must enter in "0 points" for any missing student submission in ...
  8. TA: Getting Started with Canvas

    What link should I bookmark to find this and other great resources? https://teach.extension.harvard.edu/packets-itg/ta Please do not share this link with students.  This link, and other links in this document, are for faculty only. I cannot ...
  9. Instructor Online Exam Checklist

    Before Exams Submit your examination information at Online Services and/or notify the Exams Office if changes are made to your exam plans Publish your exam several days in advance (but keep it locked/unavailable.) This will allow students to...
  10. Harvard DCE Pilot: Gather Study Lounge

    Gather Study Lounge Best Practices Guide (Harvard DCE Pilot) Hello! Thank you for piloting the Gather Study Lounge. The Gather Study Lounge is a tool built into your course’s Canvas site that gives your students a space to meet outside of class ...