While ActiveClass has been retired as of January, 2025, we have other discussion tools that might do the trick.
ActiveClass is a topic-based graded discussions tool that must be configured individually by creating a new external tool Canvas assignment.
Step 1.
- Select Assignments in the course navigation menu
Step 2.
- Select the "+ Assignment" button
Step 3.
- Enter your discussion prompt in the Rich Content Editor box
Step 4.
- Enter in point value and due dates in Canvas.
- Make sure that they match the ones in the ActiveClass discussion board.
- Make sure that they match the ones in the ActiveClass discussion board.
IMPORTANT: Do not enter in an "Available Until" date. This will prevent students from going back and referencing posts from the discussion board.
Step 5.
- Set Submission Type to "External Tool".
- In the "Enter or find an External Tool URL" field type "ActiveClass" and click the "find" button.
- Choose "ActiveAssignment [1.3]" from the list and click the "select" button .
- Save the assignment. This will load and display your new ActiveClass discussion board for setup.
Step 6.
- Once the discussion board has populated in the assignment window, click the pencil icon to set up the ActiveClass.
Step 7.
- Select your desired settings and remember to click the "save" button.
If you have any questions, contact ITG for help.
If any issues arise, you can also contact email AcademicTechnology@dce.harvard.edu.