CRSE: a framework that values students' cultural and racial identities and lived experiences, leverages underrepresented voices, and empowers learners to be catalysts for change. Unpacking the 4 Principles of the CRSE Framework: 1. We...
Last Updated: 02/21/2024
in Web Conference
Computer minimum specifications: Windows and Macintosh 2GHz or faster processor, 8GB or more of RAM Please maintain an up-to-date operating system and web browser We do NOT support: Taking courses on mobile devices Linux/Chromebook Beta ve...
Last Updated: 01/08/2025
in Faculty Dev.
Types of polls that can be used for synchronous and asynchronous students. Suggestions for question types to gather different types of student feedback, such as feedback and assessment,
Last Updated: 01/29/2024
in Faculty Dev.
Your Harvard Extension School course has a Canvas site that goes hand-in-hand with your class sessions. Think of Canvas as the door to your classroom — it’s a unified space for you to share resources, communicate with your students, and assign gra...
Last Updated: 12/21/2023
in Faculty Dev.
Online discussions are a great way to build student community, engagement, and learning in a course. Engaging in good discourse is a useful skill for your students to practice and learn. Like any learning goal in your course, students will need a me...
Easily, privately and securely correspond with your students with Canvas Inbox. * Note: You and your students should make sure Canvas notification preferences are set properly to receive a copy of the email to your personal email addresses. ...
UDL: a framework to make learning accessible for all types of learners through multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement. Unpacking the UDL Framework to Provide Multiple Means of: 1. Engagement: W...
Last Updated: 03/18/2024
in Faculty Dev.
AI and Teaching and Learning: Some Resources Artificial Intelligence is impacting education in a myriad of ways. It’s hard to keep up with the new technological developments and educators' responses to it. Some embrace it, some are cautio...
Last Updated: 09/26/2023
in Faculty Dev. IDN 2023
IDN Home Page Opening Remarks Resources Opening Remarks: Teaching & Online Learning at DCE
Facilitators: Henry Leitner & Adrienne Phelps-Coco Resource 1: Slides for Opening Remarks Resource 2: Video ...
Course sites are archived after the end of a term. Archived sites no longer appear on your dashboard, but remain accessible to you. Note: once a course site is archived, instructors can no longer message students via Canvas. Access ...