Created On: 02/26/2025
in ASO
Creating Modules
Adding Content To Modules/ Modules Items
Organizing & Editing Modules
Organizing & Editing Module Items
Creating Modules As a demo, select "Adding Content to Modules..." above in the TOC to see ho...
Created On: 02/25/2025
in ASO
Thank you for your interest in Accessibility. As our name implies, the Accessibility Services Office (ASO) works to support students with disabilities in the classroom and throughout their educational experience here at the Division of Continuing Ed...
Created On: 01/24/2025
in T&L Immersive Classroom
Immersive Classroom Instructor Dashboard No one likes to speak into a void. We've seen that students only keep using the IC when they know their comments have been seen . The good news is, you don't need to respond to or grade every sing...
While ActiveClass is going away, we have other discussion tools that might do the trick. This is an opportunity to reimagine how discussions work in your classroom. Canvas Checkpoints (coming soon) and Feedback Fruits On Topic discussion board...
Created On: 01/09/2025
in T&L Gather
Taking Attendance in Your Course Gather, the tool that we use at DCE to create and launch Zoom meetings, has attendance tracking features for your web conference or in-person class meetings.
Attendance tracking is automatically tu...
Created On: 12/12/2024
in Faculty Dev. IDW 2025
Immersive Classroom Panel
Facilitators: Adrienne Phelps Coco, Beth Frates, Alexandra Sedlovskaya, and Elizaveta Wick Description: In this panel, instructors will share their experiences using the Imme...
Hello Harvard is a tool DCE built to provide self-service options for teaching staff to use when setting up their Canvas sites.
Phase 1 of Hello Harvard, which is now available, provides an app store of DCE vetted and approved tools. Sel...
Published On: 08/25/2024
in T&L Immersive Classroom
Immersive Classroom Activities The Immersive Classroom uses smart technology to auto-generate discussion boards or polls right where your async student need them. There's no need for advance set up, so you have complete flexibility to adapt...
Created On: 08/26/2024
in T&L Immersive Classroom
Immersive Classroom Activity Types Do you do activities or discussions in your live class? Are your async students left watching your live class with no way to participate? Or have you been building alternative versions for async students...
Created On: 08/05/2024
in Faculty Dev. IDN 2024
IDN Home Page Facilitators Adrienne Phelps-Coco , Executive Director of Teaching & Learning (T&L), Instructor for Course: Designing Online Courses Facilitator: Immersive Classroom to Teach Your Asynchronous Students While...