New Articles

  1. AI and Teaching and Learning: Some Resources

    AI and Teaching and Learning: Some Resources Artificial Intelligence is impacting education in a myriad of ways.  It’s hard to keep up with the new technological developments and educators' responses to it.  Some embrace it, some are cautio...
  2. Teaching Your Asynchronous Students

    Teaching Your Asynchronous Students At Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education, we have courses in which all online students are synchronous and a few courses with all asynchronous students. We also have courses that have both asynchrono...
  3. What's New in Zoom?

    Updated May 2024 Stay informed! Zoom continuously adds and changes features and Harvard's Division of Continuing Education (DCE) often updates policies and procedures.  Even if you taught last semester, there's a possibility that things hav...
  4. Zoom at DCE

    If you've used Zoom to teach at another Harvard School, or another institution, you'll notice we do some things a bit differently here.  Even if you have taught at DCE, policies and procedures are continuously evolving.  Here's where you can learn h...
  5. Zoom Best Practices: A Master Guide

    Below are guidelines the Division of Continuing Education (Harvard Extension School and Harvard Summer School) have for you and your Zoom class. Our guidelines are made to your class remains safe and only accessible to you and enrolled students in y...
  6. Computer Tech Check and Speed Test

    Computer minimum specifications: Windows and Macintosh 2GHz or faster processor, 8GB or more of RAM Please maintain an up-to-date operating system and web browser We do NOT support: Taking courses on mobile devices Linux/Chromebook Beta ve...
  7. Class Recordings and Opencast Video in Canvas

  8. Resources

    IDN Home Page  Opening Remarks  Resources  Opening Remarks: Teaching & Online Learning at DCE  Facilitators:  Henry Leitner & Adrienne Phelps-Coco Resource 1:   Slides for Opening Remarks   Resource 2:  Video ...
  9. Facilitators

    IDN Home Page About the Facilitators Adrienne Phelps-Coco Executive Director of Teaching & Learning  Workshop:  Making the Most of Generative AI in Your Course About:  Adrienne (she/her) provides leadership to the te...
  10. Gather Study Lounge

    Gather Study Lounge: Tutorial Video & Guide Click on the video above & view the guide below for tips on helping your students get started using the Gather Study Lounge, ways they can use it, and how to get help. What is the Study Lo...