HELIX Classroom/Hyflex Syllabus

General Syllabus Information

Depending on the semester, your syllabus will need to be posted on your Canvas course site about 5-12 weeks before the semester begins. It  will be visible to anyone in the world who clicks on it from the course catalog, so be careful about what you include.  Do not post the Zoom link to the course.

Begin by thinking about what you want your students to learn and what you want them to remember 5 years from now, then design your lessons, activities and assessments around this.

Information for HELIX Classroom/Hyflex Courses

It’s important that potential students understand that the expectations and experiences for students taking a HELIX Classroom/Hyflex class are different than they are for on-campus classes or even classes taught entirely through Zoom.  This needs to be made clear before they register.

Design learning activities that include all 3 of your student populations:

  1. asynchronous students watching the recordings of the classes
  2. synchronous students participating via Zoom
  3. students on campus, physically in the room with you

Be sure student assessments are equal for all 3 populations of students

Let your remote students knw how to access books and other resources they will need

Sample HELIX Classroom/Hyflex Syllabus

Here is a sample of what to include in a syllabus for a HELIX Classroom/Hyflex course:

Class format:

Our class will meet in the HELIX/Hyflex Classroom, which means that some of you will be present physically and some virtually, projected onto the screen. You have three options for participation and attendance:

  1. You can come to campus and participate in person.
  2. You can join us live online by attending over Zoom web conference, which will be integrated into the classroom so you are able to fully participate and be heard and seen.
  3. You can attend "on demand" by watching the recording of class and participating on your own time.

From Designing Online Courses, Spring 2020, Instructor: Adrienne Phelps-Coco


Course Websites and Syllabi page from the Extension School Faculty Handbook 

Syllabus Basics from the DCE New Faculty Institute

Syllabus Language Sets the Tone for Your Course

Avoid these common pitfalls when drafting your syllabus

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